279: Hidden Potential - Getting Over Perfectionism
Entrepreneurship • Feb 21, 2024 6:00:00 AM • Written by: Erin Aquin & Steve Haase

This week's podcast is all about getting over perfectionism. If you find yourself playing it safe at work or in life and want to break free from fear to have a bigger impact, this episode is a must-listen.
You will discover:
- The path to mastery through embracing "acceptable flaws"
- How to become an imperfectionist and make more meaningful progress
- Why minimum viable product is not a great standard, and instead how to create a minimum lovable product
This week's recording is from a session of the Non-Boring Leadership book club, that you can access for free by becoming a member of the Superabound Collective here.
The full transcript plus a video of the session is here.
If you want 1:1 coaching support for your business, Erin and Steve currently have openings for new clients. Click here to line up a free, no-pressure consultation while they're still available.