Tips to Get Motivated For Spring
null • Mar 20, 2017 12:54:04 PM • Written by: Erin Aquin

Happy Spring Equinox!
The first day of Spring is a huge relief from winter's chill. Today we can start to look forward to new growth and possibility for the season ahead.
As an Elemental Yin Yang yogi this is also the time to welcome Wood energy into your life for the next few months.
(If you aren't familiar with Wood energy you can learn about the basics here.)
In preparation for all the creative output and work we are planning for here at Aquin Yoga HQ, I spent some time this weekend decluttering my office. (That's a picture of my badass library in fact.)
But decluttering physical space is just a part of my Spring cleaning routine.
The most important way I prepare to get productive for these next few months is by cleaning up my thinking and getting clear on my goals.
To do that I use an array of tools and techniques and my hope is that by sharing them with you, you will find a few more ways to make your Spring amazingly productive.
1. Get Motivated
If you haven't been listening to my podcast, you are missing out. I share a lot of valuable information to help you reshape your outlook on life and get to work living your dreams. On a recent episode, we talked all about getting motivated after the long cold winter. Its time to re-engage with your passion and this episode is designed to help you. Listen here
2. Stop Using The "Busy" Excuse
I get it. We are all have full lives. But what if you had to re-think how often you use that throw away of being "too busy" to invest time into things you want to do?
I wrote an article for About Meditation and discussed this exact issue for those of us who want to start a new habit or allocate energy into a big project but feel that life is far too hectic.
Read it here and see if it helps you re-think and let go of the busy excuse.
3. Get Organized
As someone who has tried nearly every organizational system out there, I have to say:
Bullet Journal- the hype is real people
Since I began using this system I have become so productive. There is something about having to write things out with a good old pen and paper that helps you decide if that item truly matters. It took some getting used to having to carry a note book around but I LOVE this system and you might too.
4. Get to Work
Once you are tapped into Wood energy and the motivation of Spring. Don't just let that space and possibility sit there. Get to work in the way that best suits you. Some people pick one day a week and block out a chunk of time to work on their big projects.
I tend to work best in baby steps. Doing a bit of work in the various pockets of my day is how I am able to get a lot done while still being a full time mom and part time yoga teacher and writer.
I would even argue that having less time to fuss over my work has made me more productive than ever. While my daughter takes a nap I can use that very limited window to record a podcast, write an article or create content for my next course. Knowing I only have an hour or two at most helps me skip all the procrastination and get down to business.
If you have a big goal this spring give yourself a deadline and stick to it.
Let us know what you are working on in the comments below and Happy Spring!