Relationship Coaching for men
Relationships • Apr 25, 2020 3:37:39 PM • Written by: Steve Haase

Guys, consider this:
As men we tend to either see ourselves as indestructible perfect superheroes, or as total failures.
Even crazier, we can switch between the two perspectives within hours, or even minutes of each other.
Think about a time when you felt like everything was just right with the world. You're rocking at work, feeling great about your hair. Then your partner points out a way in which you totally blew it. Maybe it was with the kids, or forgetting something you said you would do.
Your heart sinks. You whip yourself inside for being so stupid. "Why even try?" you think.
But then, an hour later, you've forgotten about the screw up and are back to being master of your domain, hoping to avoid stepping in something again.
That's just what it feels like to be a man, right?
Not necessarily.
There's a much more balanced way to relate to life. You can fully embrace your strengths and areas for development.
You can be thoughtful and also confident.
What I want to propose is that waking up from the dream of either being perfect or horrible is both possible and important. And further, that your relationship with your significant other can be a powerful vehicle for this work.
Ask yourself:
How joyful is your relationship right now?
How much love have you created?
How honest and vulnerable are you with your partner?
Do you like your answers to these questions?
The truth is if you want more love, joy, and honesty in your life the best place to start is where you are right now.
And there is so much material to work with. Consider feelings for second.
The men I work with often feel like they have been walking through life in a haze, unsure about what they're actually feeling, that is until it bubbles up in some catastrophic way.
If you can relate, or if you feel like you are at the mercy of your partner's mood or actions right now, I want to tell you, first, there is nothing wrong with you.
And if you are ready to find more power to draw from, more agency, and more fun and love, I can help you do that.
Along with my wife Erin, I am leading an 8-week course with weekly lessons so you can work on areas of your relationship (and life) that you want to improve.
Your relationship is a mirror.
It's a good way to see how you're doing in your life. You owe it to yourself and your partner to do this course.
It's the journey of a lifetime, and I promise it is worth it.
Get started here.