How to prioritize yourself again
self-care • Aug 27, 2019 1:31:01 PM • Written by: Erin Aquin

People tell me all the time that they struggle to find even one area of their life where they put their own needs and desires first.
They are working hard to do everything for everyone and can't understand why it doesn't seem like enough and why their partners don't appreciate them more.
Listen, I know you think you are doing everyone a favour by being last in line to get a piece of your own time and energy, but actually the opposite is true.
Think about it.
When you put yourself last how do you show up in your life?
Are you loving, kind, patient and compassionate?
or are you more often, resentful, annoyed and snippy?
I definitely gravitate towards the second option.
So in the last few years, even as my life has become more full in many ways, I have stopped overcommitting myself out of a false sense of obligation, and I am going to tell you the first, and most simple step so you can do the same.
The First Step to Prioritizing Yourself
I start each week by sitting down with my calendar a list of all the things I want to accomplish, events with my kids or my husband, all my clients, things I need to do in my coaching business AND all the ways I am planning to self-invest.
Those may include things like:
- workouts
- self-coaching time
- yoga
- reading
- my meals
Next I put those self-care investments on my calendar.
Yes, you read that, I put MYSELF on my calendar first and I suggest you do the same.
The goal for you is each and every day put something on there that is just for you.
It can be a contribution to your physical health, personal or professional development or just down time to take a nap.
But NOTHING else goes on your calendar until those investments are set up.
Next plan your family time, dates with your partner, your work and social time and anything else you want to do with your time this week.
The most powerful thing about doing this for me is when I see it all in front of me I know instantly if I am being unrealistic with how much I am trying to do in a week.
If you look at your calendar and feel immediately overwhelmed, go back through what you planned and prune the things that are not essential or that you really don't want to do, BUT don't sacrifice your self-investments.
And if you like this idea but aren't sure it is a possible approach for you, I want to invite you to join me on a free consultation call to learn how I can help you end the cycle of resentment and overwhelm and get back on track to the relationship and LIFE you want.
Click here and then scroll to the bottom to book a spot on my schedule.