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How (and When) to Do Things You Don't Want to Do

null • Jan 3, 2023 2:37:37 PM • Written by: Erin Aquin

I am willing to do things I don’t feel like doing if they support what I want.

This is important to consider.

I love how many people are refusing to overwork and learn how to self-invest as an intention this year.

But I have also seen some people confuse this with only ever doing what they feel like and then wondering why their revenue dropped or their work dried up.

Taking care of yourself and your business doesn’t mean you don’t make an effort or stretch yourself when you need to.

For instance, I would bet most business owners rarely feel like doing their books, inventory or admin, but those things matter to the health and success of the business, therefore we do them (if you have ever missed a tax deadline you feel me on this one).

Don’t mistake feeling like you would rather not do your work today with a meaningful reason to let something go. Instead ask and answer honestly:

What is the most supportive thing (or list of things) I can do for myself as a human with a business today?

Start with the things on that list and notice where it takes you.

If you want one-to-one support from me or Steve to set your priorities this year and make consistent progress towards your next big goal, get a Lantern Session here. We're only offering 5 more each, so get yours before they're gone.

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Erin Aquin