During my #virtualbooktour for The A-Z of Being a Successful Yoga Teacher last year I tackled some very sticky issues for teachers. I wrote this in June 2015 but have recently been discussing these big issues with teachers again so here is a fully updated version for you to think about and comment on.
The biggest and most controversial of was the topic of money. I wrote an article for Yoga Trail that sparked a conversation for teachers all over the globe (you can find the original article here).
The fact is, whether you like it or not, as a teacher you are part of a multi-billion dollar industry. Yet, even in major urban centers instructors are struggling to make ends meet. While I understand the cynicism many teachers feel about the current state of affairs, most aren't taking an active role in changing things for the better.
If you pushed me to say what the two most important steps are to change the financial landscape for all teachers, the first be to get clear about the yoga industry's relationship to money.