Ep 8: Getting Things Done (My Secrets to Productivity)
null • Apr 23, 2018 9:30:52 PM • Written by: Erin Aquin

In this episode I share with you my productivity tools. Some of these things you already know about, others might really surprise you.
Life can be very overwhelming. There are so many things pulling at your attention that it can be a challenge to stay focused on what is important AND follow through on your cherished projects.
When people find out I am a writer, sometimes they will share that they have always wanted to write a book but can't find the time. I always respond with,
"Well, I wrote my second book with a new baby at home (aka while totally sleep deprived) and while I was still working part-time."
It shocks people to hear during one of the busiest times of my life, I managed to carve out time to write an entire book and in this episode you will hear that while I (sadly) do not have superpowers, I DO have some fantastic tools that help me get things DONE.
Grab your free download detailing the system I use here.
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Additional Links from the Show
The Art of War - a book by Steven Pressfield
The Original Bullet Journal System