Ep. 6: The Source of Self-Confidence
null • Jan 6, 2021 7:29:17 PM • Written by: Steve Haase

Losing your job can feel like getting pushed off the back of a moving pickup truck. You sit there and look around, and when you catch your breath it can be easy to start panicking about what to do next.
Special guest, Jeff Carreira, brings his insight and humor to this episode of the podcast, illuminating why it's best to just relax, not make any rash decisions, and consider what you truly love when making your next move.
Jeff shares how he rebuilt his life after losing his previous position, becoming more influential and productive than he had ever been before.
Follow Jeff's work and take his free course, "Foundations of a New Paradigm" at jeffcarreira.com.
Listen below or on Apple Podcasts here.