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Become a Highly-Respected Leader

Introducing The New Manager Launchpad
The only LIVE, small-group training program that combines leadership best practices with mindfulness training to help you become a more dynamic, successful leader

Leadership isn't just a promotion. It's a brand new job.

Managing people requires a whole new skill set that most people just aren't prepared for. And it's one that cannot be learned from a book or training manual.

And many companies don't support new managers to make this transition effectively.

The fact is, many new managers spend the first few years struggling to keep their heads above water. During this crucial time they wrestle internally with imposter syndrome, overwork to make up for the lack of confidence, and miss out on key opportunities to progress their career. Being a "good person" and a "team player" isn't enough to make it as a long-term leader, that's why you need The New Manager Launchpad.

In this custom training program, you will learn the exact skills you need to succeed as a people lead and become effective, admired manager.

By the end of this course you will: 

  • Have the mindset and skillset of an admired leader who gets results
  • No longer suffer from imposter syndrome and be able to work confidently 
  • Have laid the groundwork for a high-performing team where everyone understands what's expected, and you aren't stuck redoing their work or looking over anyone's shoulder
  • Be more focused and productive 
  • Make confident, high-quality decisions that move your company forward
  • Understand how to use setbacks and “failures” as sources of learning for your team
  • Be able to handle difficult conversations in ways that strengthen your professional relationships

Bring the Launchpad to Your Company

Email hello@besuperabound.com for more details
"Steve helped me go from overwhelm in my current situation to being able to make a decisions with clarity and confidence."

Sarah Bedrick, Co-founder Compt

How we get there:

Over the course of 8 weeks, you will join Superabound founders and master coaches Steve Haase and Erin Aquin for live, one-hour interactive lessons. On those sessions you will gain a proven tool that you can use to diagnose problems, put out fires, and get back to the big goals you have for your team.

Can't make a call? Don't worry. Each call is recorded and everyone will have access to the Superabound Collective, a Slack community where you can ask questions, get coached, and share anything that is coming up for you.

Recordings will be available for an entire year, so you can revisit the lessons over time.

Topics covered:

Inner Leadership

  • Your new career: management. Learn the mindset shift required to be an exceptional leader and move your business forward
  • The progress formula: use vision, self-coaching, and creative solutioning to overcome almost any obstacle
  • Self-concept and self-talk: how to get the most from your emotions and other inner resources
  • Turning setbacks into learning for yourself and your team

Building a High-Performing Team

  • Setting expectations that motivate your team
  • How to make confident, values-based decisions
  • Results-based planning: how to get high-priority work done on time
  • Creating team metrics that matter: how to set and track goals so that everyone knows what they’re supposed to be doing

Communicating for Impact

  • Why strong professional relationships matter and how to create them
  • The steps for succeeding with difficult conversations
  • Internal story-telling: how to use your company's story to motivate team members
  • Being a highly-respected leader: how vulnerability, empathy, and care for your team’s well-being earn you followership

Your Investment

What is success in your leadership career worth?

Coaching is a growth accelerator that increases your chances of achieving results for the long term.

If joining The New Manager Launchpad means you and your team reach your goals just one quarter sooner or 10% greater than you otherwise would have, you paid for your investment just with that one boost in performance.

But the most valuable benefit from this training isn't financial. It's in the mindset shift, from negative self-talk that slows down so many leaders to an inner environment of self-acceptance and even love.

It may sound soft and squishy, but ask yourself: what good is a pile of money if you're unhappy and exhausted? How we live our lives day to day and how we feel about ourselves is what matters most in the end. And it's at the heart of what it means to be a Superabound Leader.

Invest in success by bringing The New Manager Launchpad to your company.

Bring the New Manager Launchpad To Your Company


My schedule changed after I bought the course. Do you offer refunds?
There are no refunds for the New Manager Launchpad. When you purchase the course you will have access to all of the replays for an entire year as well as the Superabound Collective Slack group during the time of the live course to get coaching and share your insights.
Can I book the course at my company?
Yes. The Superabound team is available for custom offerings of the New Manager Launchpad course  and workshops for your company. Email hello@besuperabound.com with your request and we'll start the conversation.
Does the course come with any private coaching sessions?
The New Manager Launchpad is offered in a group coaching setting with Steve and Erin each week. To inquire about private coaching with them email hello@besuperabound.com