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Certification Help Your Clients & Your Team Solve Their Biggest Problems

Join the next cohort of the Superabound Certification and become the powerful coach and leader your business needs.

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Proven coaching tools for any situation

Imagine sitting down with a client who is feeling stuck and frustrated or with a team member who keeps making the same mistake repeatedly.

But instead of feeling overwhelmed and scrambling for a solution, you calmly walk them through a simple set of tools to help them untangle from their emotional turmoil and create an aligned plan for moving forward.

Imagine, 45 minutes later, that other person leaving your meeting feeling relieved and inspired about the path forward and grateful to YOU for being their coach and thinking partner along the way.

This is what you will learn how to do inside The Superabound Coach Certification Program.

Whether you are a leader of people at a company or a freelance coach or consultant for your own business, this program will equip you with powerful mindset tools and strategic frameworks to help your clients reach their milestones.

Join the next Superabound certification designed to help you become a better coach and leader.

Keep reading to learn more about the certification and secure your spot in our next training. 



Why train with us

Master Certified Coaches Erin Aquin and Steve Haase have helped hundreds of coaches and executives to get better at coaching. And now they are pairing their years of experience creating the Superabound tools to help you learn to coach your people.

In this training you will learn:

  • How to lead through coaching and not micromanaging
  • How to stay open and coach even when you have unmet expectations and high emotions
  • How to have tough conversations with grace
  • How to distinguish and clear up Static for yourself and the people you coach
  • When to coach and when to create an action plan
  • How to help someone overcome almost any challenge through coaching them
  • How to run better internal meetings that support your people and move closer to their next lantern
  • How to lead an internal coaching session with someone on your team
  • How to lead a coaching session with someone outside of your organization
You will be guided through a series of monthly workshops, small group practice calls, and private sessions with Erin and Steve, to experience the effect of Superabound Coaching in your own life.

What You Get

The next training begins in late 2024.

Registration: $12,000 $10,000 USD before August 15.

Training includes:

Learn to apply the Superabound Suite during monthly 90-minute workshops

  • Superabound Principles and How to Use Them - Tuesday September 10 @ 12pm ET
    • Coaching fundamentals
    • What is the Progress Formula and how to use it in your coaching
    • How to listen deeply and ask questions that move a session forward
    • Discerning inner static vs outer challenges 
  • Coaching on Static - Tuesday October 1 @ 12pm ET 
    • How to spot and HEAL static in yourself and your client / team
    • How to help people get out of Static whether they are emotional processors or logical thinkers
    • Staying curious as a coach even when you need different results
    • Helping clients succeed with difficult conversations and situations

  • High Impact Coaching - Tuesday November  5 @ 12pm ET 
    • The importance of Vision and how to help leaders craft theirs
    • How to use the Progress Formula to overcome negative self-talk and overcome challenges
    • Helping leaders evolve their decision making
    • The tending triad approach to lighting Lanterns, e.g. reaching goals with soul
    • Developing self-awareness and walking your talk
  • How to Be a Thinking Partner  - Tuesday December 3 @ 12pm ET
    • Accessing your unique life experience and wisdom to support your client
    • Creating solutions and paths forward in a session
    • Teaching the Progress Formula meeting template
    • Leading coaching session for people both inside and outside your team

  • Six Powerful Sessions to Lead  - Tuesday January 7, 2025 @ 12pm ET
    • Establishing Vision    
    • Clearing Static
    • Overcoming Challenges
    • Living the Progress Formula
    • Leading Superabound Meetings
    • Exploratory 45-minute Superabound session

These are the workshops where you will learn the Superabound tools not only as ideas but as a way of coaching people to reach their fullest potential. You will learn and practice coaching on the concepts so you can take them into the group coaching calls and get more comfortable with them.

Eight 60-minute small group coaching practice calls*

Flex your Superabound muscles and get more practice and supportive feedback on your coaching during these live, interactive practice calls.

Eight 30-minute private coaching sessions with Erin or Steve*

These ones are just for you, because we believe coaches flourish best when they have a coach of their own. These calls will give you a firsthand experience of what it is like to be a Superabound client and have all the space to work on your personal and professional Lanterns or clear any Static or Challenges in your path.

*For both your private coaching sessions and your small groups you will be able to sign up for the times that work best for you. After registration closes to the public you will receive an email with your link to sign up for all these calls.

Complete these steps successfully and you will be a Superabound Coach!
Erin & Steve sitting on the couch small no crop

Your investment

Superabound Coach Certification is $12,000 $10,000 USD before Aug 15 and is payable either in full or in 3 installments for a small admin fee. 

If you're a business owner or leader, consider how much your company could benefit from having more engaged, high-performing teams. The return on your training investment in the form of greater productivity and lowered turnover is remarkable.

And if you're already a coach, adding the Superabound skillset to your repertoire will ensure you have solid, proven tools to help leaders and CEOs build high-performing teams and thrive as your clients.

To share this training with your team lead, download the PDF overview of the program here.

And if you have questions for us, line up a free 20-minute call to discuss the certification here.

Ready to get started?


Past participants share

Hear why Shannin enrolled her entire team in the certification:



Hear what Kristen and Erica gained from the program:




Meet Your Master Coach Instructors


Erin Aquin is a Master Certified Coach who has helped hundreds of coaches and entrepreneurs stop overworking and create their "True Love Business." She is the author of three books and the co-host of the Superabound Podcast. Erin has taken her company from a part-time side business to a multiple six-figure corporation that has done over $1,000,000 in under 3 years.

Master Certified Life and Leadership Coach Steve Haase has helped hundreds of business owners generate millions of dollars in increased revenue over the last decade. Before becoming a coach he led teams at high-growth tech companies HubSpot and Shopify, delivering $30 million in annual recurring revenue.

Their new book, Superabound: Live the Life the Universe is Dreaming for You, is now out and teaches their unique methodology for achieving meaningful milestones at work and in life.



Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Do you offer refunds?
    This is an ongoing training program and, as such, there are no refunds for any reason.
  • Will the calls be recorded? 
    Yes. But in order to be certified you need to be present on 4 of the 5 live workshops and 6 of the 8 live small group calls.
  • How long will I have access to the recordings?
    You will have access to recordings of the workshops and small group calls for one full year. All workbooks are available for you to download and keep.
  • The call times don't work for me. Will you train me  privately?
    If you need a special arrangement to make the program work for you, please email us hello@besuperabound.com for private training and for team training rates or book a 20 minute call with us here to discuss how we might find a way to customize the program for you.

Get started with Superabound coach training today