Yang Yoga Playlist: Songs to Inspire You
null • Mar 5, 2014 10:00:00 AM • Written by: Erin Aquin

Raise your hand if you have mentioned the cold winter weather in the last 48 hours.
If you didn't raise your hand, please let me know where you live and I will be on the next plane.
If you live in my neck of the woods you might agree that this seems to be the longest, coldest meanest winter we have had in a long while. In spite of that, I am grateful that most mornings I walk out of my cozy house into the cold, grey day, I am off to teach at my hometown studio's Hot room.
However, if Hot Yoga is just not your thing or you need more than that to inspire you to get yourself to get out the door and on to your mat, test drive my newest Yoga playlist. These are fun, inspiring and non-traditional songs for a Yang or Vinyasa practice, or if you just need a sunlight replacement to lift your mood (I use them all for both purposes).
Soldier of Love - Sade
She is amazing, plain and simple. This song is about rising up even when things are rough.
Now or Never - Tritonal feat. Phoebe Ryan
I have a soft spot for dramatic dance music and the urgency in the song couldn't be more yang in nature. It will get you moving.
Happy - Pharrell Williams
This song is sweet, fun and will melt the icest heart. I dare you not to sing along.
Burn - Ellie Goulding
This one has been all over the radio for a few months, but it still gets me.
All or Nothing - Dirty Vegas
I love this song. It is about diving in with every part of yourself.
Let Go - Frou Frou
Another beautiful song about what beauty lies on the side if you refuse to hold back.
What songs lift you up? Share your inspirational songs in the comments below.