What is Elemental Yin Yang Yoga
null • Nov 14, 2016 12:18:24 PM • Written by: Erin Aquin

We are now just two weeks away from the launch of my brand new book Elemental Yin Yang Yoga. This book is for yoga students and teachers who want to take the themes we dive into on the mat and apply them in daily life.
But you might be wondering...
What the heck IS Elemental Yin Yang Yoga?
The short answer is, it is a style of practice that blends the richness of Chinese Philosophy with yoga poses. Yang yoga is more flowing and vigorous while yin includes more long-held static postures.
However, the power and uniqueness of this form of yoga involves exploring the wisdom offered by the Five Elements: Water, Fire, Wood, Metal and Earth on and off the mat.
Check out this short trailer we made about the book and a free chapter for you to read.
Advanced copies are now available before our Nov 30 release!
Click here to get the book shipped to you
OR if you would like to attend our free book launch talk at De La Sol Yoga in Hamilton, Ontario on Friday Dec 2 @ 8pm then pre-order your book for pick up that night below (and save the shipping costs too):