Guided Meditation: 10 Minutes to Happiness
null • Nov 1, 2013 10:00:00 AM • Written by: Steve Haase

Do you meditate? If so, why?
Personally, after more than a decade of regular meditation practice, I've found a few things that I absolutely LOVE about it.
In the audio below, recorded live from this past weekend's two-day intensive with Project One participants, you'll experience ten minutes worth of my passion for silence.
(Note: if you're using Chrome or Firefox on a Mac, the audio may not work. Switch to Safari to listen.)
"Just find a comfortable position and close your eyes.
Your hands can go wherever they're comfortable--on your knees, in your lap.
And the instructions are to be still, at least physically; and to relax, again at least physically; and to pay attention. Physically, how you pay attention is being straight, having a noble posture, an attentive position.
While the outer can follow the inner, the inner can also follow the outer. So as long as one of them is there, we're doing pretty well.
As you sit still, relax, and pay attention, just rest in the knowledge that there's nothing else to do.
Free your attention from anything that comes up, everything that comes up. If it's something trivial just let it go. If it's something very, very, very important let that go.
We're making space. Yoga makes space in the body, meditation makes space in the interior landscape, in the mind, in the heart.
Enjoy this opportunity to just do nothing. Make no effort. Work on nothing. Worry about nothing, plan for nothing. Just enjoy your own Being.
Enjoy this moment of local time, cosmic time, and no time.
Enjoy your own Being, knowing that from a certain perspective, that's all there is.
And even though this is a brief meditation, notice how any moments of timelessness are still eternal. You don't need much.
Slowly bring your attention back to the room. Open your eyes when you're ready."