Elemental Yin Yang Bookclub - Earth
Reading Goal: Read to the end of the Earth chapter
Extra Credit: Read the article on self-care here and determine how you might better nourish yourself.
The fifth element in this system is Earth. Not only the ground beneath our feet but the nurturing energy that supports, sustains and connects all things.
The season for this element can be thought of as late summer, the period of flux between summer and the coolness of fall. Although in certain schools of Chinese medicine Earth time is also the transition between every season.
Earth drives home the fact that we are all connected and rely not only on other humans but on the environment we are part of. In many cultures and religions Earth energy is referred to as the Mother Goddess because it is so central to our existence and provides the framework for the other elements to organize around.
Because Earth is a converging point, it is assigned the theme of integrity. In Elemental Yin Yang Yoga, having integrity is one of the most important qualities a spiritual seeker can cultivate. Being able to remain whole and undivided by supporting your words with appropriate actions and
vice versa is a powerful practice.
A person with integrity doesn’t need to ruminate over the way they present themselves to the world. They don’t have to stay vigilant in making sure they project the “correct” version
depending on the situation and who is there.
Instead they are free to use their qi in service of working toward their dreams—their mind, body,
and soul are unified and grounded in their overarching purpose.
The emotion of Earth is rumination.
As a culture we have normalized rumination and it's variations worry/ overthinking But the side effects can have drastic consequences on our health. The mental gymnastics of replaying the same situation over and over again in your mind, whether it is a past event that you wish hadn’t happened or a situation you worry may occur in the future, consumes a tremendous amount of your inner resources.
Earth Questions and Discussion Ideas
1) Is this element one you personally resonate with? Any questions about the season, theme, organs or constitution?
2) Do you know any people who might be an Earth constitution? What qualities make you think so?
3) How are the themes of Earth required in your life right now? Where could have more integrity or recognize the need for self-care or collaboration?
4) Consider the Earth self-care exercise and implement a few yin and yang items into your routine. Any interesting insights to share?
Share your thoughts on any of these points OR ask questions you have from this section in the comments below.
Photo by Kendell