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Create a Generous Business

Generosity not only feels amazing, it can be a growth engine like none other for your business.

The problem is, most "expert growth tactics" focus attention on ourselves and what we can get—e.g. more leads!—rather than on our customers and what we can give.

Prioritizing what your customers and prospects want is how you create a generous business. And Erin and Steve walk you through some of the best ideas to transform "business as usual" into creative, fun, and generous ways to grow your business. Yes, including getting more leads.

You will discover:

  • How to get testimonials without making your customers feel like they're suddenly on your marketing team
  • How to improve customer service without spending much more on it
  • No-cost and low-cost ways to increase engagement with your brand and increase referrals
  • How to increase customer retention and repeat purchases without being icky or devious
  • How to end the slog of customer onboarding by creating real value from the process

Fill out the form on this page to get instant access to the quickstart guide.

BONUS: Get the guide and a free workshop to help you turn this idea into a reality in your business


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About Erin and Steve

Erin Aquin is a Master Certified Coach who has helped hundreds of coaches and entrepreneurs stop overworking and create their Superabound Business. She is the author of three books and the co-host of the Superabound Podcast. Erin has taken her company from a part-time side business to a multiple six-figure corporation that has generated $1,000,000 in under 3 years without overworking.

Master Certified Life and Leadership Coach Steve Haase has helped hundreds of business owners realize their dream of having successful businesses. Before becoming a coach he led teams at high-growth tech companies HubSpot and Shopify, delivering $30 million in annual recurring revenue.

Erin and Steve met in a spiritual community and have been offering personal development courses and programs together for over a decade. They live in a beautiful town near a river in southern Ontario with their two young children. When they're not coaching they love to travel, make music, and curl up with a good book.