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The Essential Guide to Self-Investment for Business Success

Written by Erin Aquin | Feb 24, 2025 6:14:29 PM

Let's talk about self-investment—something we at Superabound consider essential to success and fulfillment. This is about more than just how you show up in your business, but how you experience every moment of your life.

Here's what I know for a fact after years of working with business owners and leaders: While most people understand the importance of self-investment, most still struggle to prioritize it.

The most common roadblock? That persistent voice feeding you Static like, "There's too much to do" or, "Someone else needs my time more than I do right now."

The Truth About Self-Investment

Self-investment isn't just another item on your to-do list—it's the foundation that makes everything else possible. But much like financial investing, at first it isn’t all that fun and it takes a new kind of discipline.

Personally, when I started investing money for the future, I didn’t have a whole lot to spare. Sometimes it meant skipping a night out with my friends to put money away for a future I could only hope would one day be possible. I remember it sometimes feeling painful and like a punishment to have to part with hard earned dollars I could have used in the moment and instead lock them away and hope they might grow.

Self-investing deeply feels the same. It isn’t all spa trips and vacations.

It might be finally digging into the reason you became the bottleneck in your business instead of learning how to lead your dream team with a master business coach (btw, if that feels a bit close to home our VIP Superabound coaching program has helped business owners get unstuck for years, we can help you too. Click here to apply to work with us).

It could be finally booking all the appointments you have neglected to take care of your body and mind instead of ghosting your annual check up, dentist or other health-related support you need.

Or maybe you have been avoiding something you know you need, like dedicating the first part of your day to your own wellbeing with a workout or meditation rather than jumping straight into email before your coffee has been made.

This stuff is not easy. They all require an investment today in order for your future self to receive the “compound interest” of your new habits, sustaining rituals and personal filters or boundaries.

And yet, for as long as I have supported clients to do this sometimes-challenging work, never once has someone told me they regretted it (after the hard parts got easier).

The reason is when you truly commit to investing in yourself, you're not just improving your well-being—you're expanding your capacity for creativity, innovation, and leadership. And very often, what you create lights the way for others who know they need to feed their relationship with themselves in this way.

My own self-investment practices have shifted over the years, but most recently, I have begun to focus on the three areas of Tending Triad in my regular life (we cover this in the Superabound book - and go in depth on how to bring this into your life in the Light Your Next Lantern course here)

Erin’s current Self-Investment Practices:

Visionary Practice: a regular coffee date with my Future self (practice the full Coffee with the Oracle inside the course here)

Sustaining Rituals for:

  • Body: regular workouts and yoga (3-4 weight workouts, Peloton bike and rower for cardio, yoga to keep mobile), 7-9 hours of sleep, regular body work and saunas
  • Mind: journalling, working with my own Coach, meditation - several types
  • Relationships: time alone listening to my own wants and needs, quality time with my loved ones doing things that bring all of us joy
  • Spirit: Daily Soul Time—60 minutes of sacred morning space for ritual, self-reflection, and centering work

Personal Filter:

  • Not spending time or energy on people who aren’t respectful of my life and my choices
  • Avoiding an overconsumption of negative attitudes and opinions (including doom scrolling)
  • Working with my own Static and difficult feelings
  • Attempting to provide solutions to problems instead of adding more complaints (this is always a work in progress for me)
  • Using my energy to support as many people to realize the life the universe is dreaming for them as possible.

Timewise, it works out to over 16 hours weekly dedicated to nurturing my highest potential and countless moments of attention trying to make decisions that align with my Vision and values.

Here's what's crucial to understand: this isn't indulgence or selfishness. It's essential infrastructure because, like you and every business owner out there, if the Vision holder isn’t taken care of, the Vision can’t be taken care of either.

Self-investment is about claiming your space in the world and acknowledging that your well-being is not negotiable—it's fundamental, both so you can thrive as well as your business. So when you do light your business Lanterns, self-investing is what will allow you to sit back and enjoy the view from the mountain.