Find your purpose. Trust the Universe. Reach new heights.

Self-Investment Sunday

Written by Erin Aquin | May 29, 2021 3:51:33 PM

As a former workaholic and professional dancer-with-burn-out, one of the pillars of my work with clients is helping them build a more sustainable schedule.

If you are an entrepreneur, you need time to work, but probably not as much as you currently spend.

For the past month, I have been experimenting with a 25 hour work week and I am loving the effects on my business and my life.

It feels more in alignment to only spend time on what is essential and beneficial for my clients and use the other hours of the day enjoying the life I have worked so hard to build.

You might not be ready to cut down your hours at the desk just yet, but if you are overworking this one is for you.

I want to offer you the same first step I took to reprioritize my entire life, personally and professionally.

It called Self-Investment Sunday (but any day that works for you, will work for this)

One day each week, our family goes almost completely screen free and usually the day before we get whatever we need to make that time restful and fun.

Our house gets cleaned, we stock the house with amazing food, flowers and look up any instructions for things we want to do so we don't need to open our computers.

In that time, I usually block off 4-5 hours on the shared family calendar for my own self-investment/self-care time and am unavailable for anyone else. 

Then I start by asking myself the question:

"How would you like to use this time?"

It might be a bath, a walk, yoga, a long sauna, time in spiritual practice, reading a book, taking a nap or some long forgotten hobby.

Whatever it is, I listen, trust my intuitive answer, and do exactly that.

If you don't have some self-investment time on your calendar this weekend already, go arrange it right now.

Ask yourself what you would do with a few hours to luxuriate, rest or do something that stirs your soul that you never normally make time for.

Then do it.

One last thing:

If you are committed to creating more love and success in your life from ease and intuition, I am opening up a few spaces this summer for 1:1 coaching.

This is a rare opportunity to work with a Deep Dive and Master Coach outside of a group setting and I am thrilled to have these spaces 

If you are ready to make some magic book a consultation with me here