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Replace Your Resolutions, Try These Tools Instead

Written by Erin Aquin | Dec 29, 2015 7:49:10 PM

If you know me, you know I don't much care for the ritual of making annual resolutions. However, I can't deny that this is a wonderful time of year to reflect on all the changes can happen in just journey around the sun. 

This past year was spent making space for our little one and while that was the main event, I also published my first book, traveled all over the continent, got married for a second time (we had the Canadian edition of our wedding this summer), and made deep connections with the amazing people I met along the way. 

There were so many wonderful and unexpected moments to celebrate this past year and yet it wasn't until I sat down to write it all out that I realized just how fantastic it really was. 

Why is that?

I, like most many people, tend to focus first on the things I haven't done or the ways I didn't deliver the highest expression of myself before I ever consider patting myself on the back for my accomplishments. 

There are so many reasons why we humans do this and while it is a fascinating study, for now it is enough to know that many of us have this tendency- to brood over unfinished business or failures before giving value to our achievements.

Why Resolutions Don't Help

Having goals and plans is wonderful but resolutions, especially those based on a perceived deficiency you may have, almost always ends in disappointment and may even reinforce false the notion that you can't change for the better.

So how can you harness the reflective and refreshing energy at this time of year to be a powerful catalyst for your life?

Instead of a picking a resolution and trying to bend your world, instead consider experimenting with the creation of new habits or finding the time and space to take care of a project or goal that has been floating around in your consciousness.

To help you brainstorm where you might like to focus your energy to make the most of the year ahead here are some ideas and tools for transformation:

Transforming Health and Well-Being

Eating Well

Rather than try to lose "x" amount of weight, cut out an entire food group or commit to 6am workouts 5 days a week, why not instead try a new type of workout (last year I started doing barre classes and LOVED it) or adding a new type of food to your menu check out cookbooks like Plenty or Get it Ripe for some ideas.

Moving Your Asana

If yoga is part of your ideal 2016, January is the perfect time to recommit to classes. If however you don't like the crowds most studios attract at this time of the year, consider supplementing classes by building a strong home practice. 

Use the code: NEWYEAR and get $5 off of any audio yoga class in the Aquin Yoga store

Find Your Seat

Meditation is an amazing practice to include in your life, but making it into a habit can be a challenge. If this is a practice you would like to begin or simply rekindle, check out our free meditation challenge for the month of January.

Get Your Time Back


If you are looking to increase your productivity check out a few of my favourite tools for getting organized and staying productive here.

Put the Phone Down

Since Audrey came into my life, I have found myself going for hours without looking at my phone. At first this was purely because my hands were full (literally), but now I realize that the important things in my world are happening right before my eyes and nothing bad is going to happen if an email or text goes unanswered for a few days. Now I mainly keep my phone nearby if I am away from the little one or snap a picture of a sweet moment when I am with her.

This app may help you cut down on your screen time and enjoy life a little more.


Whatever you decide to focus on in 2016, I wish you a lovely, productive and healthy year ahead.