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How to Finish Big Projects (without tearing yourself down)

Written by Erin Aquin | Jun 28, 2022 10:23:11 PM
Right now I am in a hotel room finalizing the rough draft of my fourth book.
Piecing together what I have written over the past few months is one of the hardest parts of this project. It takes consistent energy and focus. But whenever I get stuck or my attention wanders, almost instantly there is a part of me that wants to throw a "motivational tantrum."

That Inner Drill Sergeant starts to yell:

"You should know how to do this by now!"
"You are wasting time!"
"No wonder you aren't where you want to be, the way you work is ridiculous."
Your Inner Drill Sergeant might sound different, but the motivational tantrum happens for most of us, especially when we are taking on something that feels big and important.Some people react to their IDS by pushing through their challenges at their own detriment. They shut down their intuition and squash any attempt at inner kindness in order to get done what the inner Drill Sergeant wants done. 

Others spiral out into shame or rebellion. They decide that their dream is too big, too hard or "not worth it" and let the IDS demotivate them completely.
Even being a Master Coach doesn't make me immune from having to deal with the fear and inadequacy my Inner Drill Sergeant uses to try to push me forward. I want to share a few simple ways I detangle from my IDS so I can direct my attention back to my big project.

1. Remember the Inner Drill Sergeant is on your team.
Most of us grew up in cultures and families that believed that the only way to achieve our dreams was to work harder than anyone else. It makes sense then that your Inner Drill Sergeant is in there trying to keep you in line, help you remain solid under pressure, and prepare you for anything. The thing is, as entrepreneurs we don't usually need that specific kind of training.

Writing a book doesn't require me to be able to perform life or death tasks while my nervous system is triggered. In fact, the more relaxed I am, the better my work is. So when the "motivational tantrum" begins, I let that part of myself know that this project isn't an emergency and that I appreciate the help but it isn't actually the flavour of support I need right now. This is an easy way of not making myself the enemy, but instead choosing what inner wisdom and resources I use for the task at hand.

2. Replace the IDS with The Oracle 
Often, step 1 works instantly to let go of self-critical voices and get back to the project. However, when I still feel tangled, I invite my Oracle to the table (if you aren't familiar with how I define The Oracle, you can read about it here) and let her coach me.

To do this, I like to step away from my work and spend a few minutes meditating—learn meditation for entrepreneurs here.
Next I spend a few minutes asking the Oracle the following questions and writing or voice recording the answers as her:
1. What is the deep purpose for completing this current project?
2. What is the best thing I can do to support myself as a creator of this project?
3. What wisdom or advice can you give me about how to go forward?

If you answer all of these questions as the future version of you, ninety-nine times out of one hundred, you will be refreshed and ready to get back to it.

If you aren't, it might be time to put it away for the day. Be kind to yourself and know that big, new or challenging projects don't always happen overnight. But you can create a rift within yourself if you push beyond what your body, mind and future self are telling you.

If you want to explore more ways to support yourself and your business with intuition, oracle cards and meditation, join Your Magical Business here.