Today I want to share that short contemplation with you as we start to transition into Fall.
Fall is the time of the final harvest when the last crops that began to grow in the spring and flourish throughout the summer are finally collected. Now well past the Summer Solstice, fall is more Yin in nature acting as a buffer between the hot months and the winter.
Autumn offers us time to prepare our resources and begin to conserve energy to survive the cold dark days before us.
The crisp cool air paired with the graceful falling of leaves is a reminder that nothing in life is permanent and even the most perfect summer must come to an end in order to give way to new possibilities in the spring.
Spending time observing nature during this season you may recognize that just as the leaves change colour and fall from the trees, so too must each one of us release aspects of life that no longer fit who we are. Fall is the perfect time to symbolically exhale the things in your life that have run their course so that you might inhale fresh and new opportunities.