The Superabound Podcast

Ep 72: Adult Tantrums & Overreacting

Written by Erin Aquin | Jul 16, 2019 10:01:00 AM

When a little kid is mid tantrum it is easy to see what is going on.

Something didn't go their way and they are freaking the f&*k out.

But grown-ups have tantrums all the time as well.

Overreacting, blaming other people for their negative feelings, making passive aggressive remarks and freezing people out are just a few signs of an adult tantrum.

Today we are talking about another option for dealing with your feelings that no one taught you as a child.

AND I will give you one mindset shift to help you stop acting in ways you aren't proud of.

If you are ready for more personalized help, sign up for a free consultation with me. On that call you will get a customized plan to revitalize your relationship.

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