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Welcoming Summer - Reflections on the Fire Element

Written by Erin Aquin | Jun 20, 2016 4:22:21 PM

In preparation for my upcoming "Igniting the Heart" workshop at The Village Yogi in Fonthill on June 25 and in honour of the Summer Solstice I wanted to share the opening reflections on the Fire Element from my upcoming book on Yin Yang Yoga.

What follows is an intimate memory from earlier this year that contains many of the Fire themes, devotional and mature love, warmth, connection and the beauty of summer. I hope this helps you get more connected to this energy and inspires you to enjoy all this season has to offer.


I stand with my feet buried in the soft sand. It is the end of February but the temperature is perfect. 

Last February at this time, I was in Boston watching a record breaking snowfall from my little apartment.

I was newly pregnant, tired and grumpy.

Such a contrast to this moment.

Standing beside my beloved husband with our beautiful baby in my arms I stare out at the endless ocean. I dip the baby’s toes into the warm water and she squeals as it rushes up the shoreline and quickly away again.

She won’t remember this moment.

She won’t remember the adventure we have had together over the last month traveling around the islands, hiking on the side of a dormant volcano, playing in the sand or watching surfers ride the waves.

She won’t remember any of it, but I will never forget what this time has meant to me. 

Somewhere down the beach we hear the sound of a conch and the Hawaiian prayer to the setting sun is called. The baby coos along with the chant and together we watch the sun make its descent into the ocean, Fire returning to Water. Yang returning to Yin.

I stand here basking in the embrace of my little family and feel my heart swell with devotion and profound love.

In the recesses of my memory I am aware that in my life before, love seemed so complex and illusive. At times the love I felt for another dissolved slowly, drying up a little more with each miscommunication, misunderstanding or out of sheer boredom. Other times, any feeling of love or connection was destroyed in an instant in a blast of fury and broken promises.

My husband kisses my forehead and I am grateful to finally understand that love can be simple and warm without pain or drama.

We stand together with our daughter as the sky grows darker, enjoying the perfection and warmth of this moment.

If you live in the Niagara area, join me on Saturday June 25 from 10-noon for a special Fire Yin Yang Yoga workshop at The Village Yogi. Sign up by Wednesday June 22 and get the early bird discount!