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Top Tools to Keep You Organized

Written by Erin Aquin | Sep 13, 2013 11:13:00 AM

Photo by Tom BaylyIt has been a productive week of getting organized but our small tweak is just scratching the surface of what it means to have a clutter-free life. Today, I want to share some tools to help you keep the party going!

1) Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity (Amazon Affiliate Link)

In this book, David Allen shares a very powerful system for getting organized.  It takes time and tools, but the book is easy to follow and will motivate you. One high-functioning individual told me that this book completely changed their life!

2) Wunderlist 

This is my favourite list app for my phone.  It is simple to use and you can create a list for just about anything you need to keep track of.  The best part is you can put a star on anything urgent which automatically goes to a special list to view at a glance and save time when trying to decide what to do next on your task list.

3) Egg Timer

The customizable egg timer is perfect when you have a specific task to complete. Having a timer running keeps you more focused and adds that element of challenge and competition that many people find energizing and very useful for getting things done. "Can I get it done in this unreasonably short amount of time?"

4) Pomodoro Timer
If you need a bit more focus for a longer work day, this focus based app for your desktop gives you a 25-minute work session followed up by a 5 minute break. I love this for studying. The promise of a short break in the very near future helps to keep me on track. The breaks are a welcome opportunity to get up and move around instead of being a glued to a chair all day (which is hard on the body).

5) Shared Lists / Projects

One of the easiest ways to stay organized is to make a list. A shared list amplifies the importance of any list, because suddenly you are accountable to others. This is highly motivating because other people can see what you're responsible for and the progress you are making. Some examples of project sharing tools include Google Drive for basic activities and Basecamp for more involved projects. Thank you Internet!

6) Outside Assistance

Home/personal organization coaches are very popular and take the accountability factor to the next level since you are paying someone to help you. And it is worth every penny if you have someone who knows how to do it! Remember, being organized is a process and while it will take time to form new habits, a coach can help fast track the whole production.  A great coach will help you gain insight on the patterns that are holding you back and assist you in letting go of clutter, both mental and physical.

If you can't find someone in your area that fits this description, book an online consultation with me and we can look at your closet together.