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Quick & Easy Corn Sweet Potato Chowder

Written by Erin Aquin | Oct 18, 2013 4:30:00 PM

Fall is in full effect. Mornings are crisp and evenings are cool (maybe cooler than some of us would like). The changing leaves are beautiful and everyone I meet is cheerful on the local hiking trails as we all enjoy the fleeting magic that this time of year brings. With all this flux and transition, it is easy to get thrown off of your regular sleep schedule and you may notice that your food cravings shift.

One way to meet this transition in Chinese Medicine is to eat more warming and grounding foods. Today, I want to share a favourite recipe of mine that uses traditional harvest foods from the late summer and autumn to ease the shift. Also, it's simple to make and perfect for busy people like you. 

Corn & Sweet Potato Chowder

1) Saute one med sized chopped red onion in a little bit of oil, butter or ghee.

2) Add 3 sweet potatoes, 2.5 cups of vegetable stock (or less if you like thicker soup), the kernels from 2-3 ears of corn.

3) Simmer on low for 15 min. until cooked and soft enough to blend

4) Blend using a hand blender. NEVER blend hot liquid in a regular blender. If you have a high power blender like a Vitamix, ensure the lid is locked or wait until the liquid is room temp before blending.

5) Add another splash of fresh corn kernels.

6) Enjoy

Ideas for toppers and garnish: parsley, sour cream, pesto, grated cheese

*As much as possible I try to use local, organic ingredients for optimum nutritional value and sustainability