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How to Win at Business and Love

Written by Erin Aquin | Mar 8, 2021 7:24:25 PM
When you think about what it means to win at love and business, what do you picture?

Maybe it's living in your dream home with a beautiful family, feeling joyful and intimate with your partner and spending your days having fun and doing work you feel passionate about.

This is it for me, and by my own standard I am winning in  business and in love in a big way right now.

And while the way to actually create this takes effort, it isn't that complicated (if you want to learn how to do it in your life and have all the support you need, this step-by-step process is inside the Relationship Alchemy for Entrepreneurs course here).

There are three ingredients needed to win in both business and love. They are:

1. Learning The Art of Flow Productivity
Time is one of the most precious resources we have as humans. And yet, most of us do not get the most out of the time we have. 

Many of my clients come to me overworked and overwhelmed with work spilling over into what should be time reserved for fun, joy and connection. 

I created The Art of Flow Productivity over the past few years as a counter-hustle way of working and living that takes into account your energy levels, skills and the time available to create the result of getting more work done, with ease, in less time so you can close your computer at the end of the day and walk away satisfied. Without this part you won't win at business AND love because if you exhaust your time and energy long enough, you either burn out or your partner gets fed up.

2. Becoming a Relationship CEO
Relationships are everything. Your ability to win at business hinges on the relationships you create with your clients and your audience. Your ability to win at love hinges on you being willing to learn some skills that no one taught you in school. 

Inside the Relationship Alchemy Program, Steve and I teach the most important tools to become a Relationship C.E.O. (Curious, Empowered and Open).
These are the exact tools we have used to create our own thriving marriage and once you learn these skills you will be able to ask for what you want, end resentment and have more powerful conversations not just with your partner but with anyone.

3. Making Self-Investment a Non-Negotiable
This one may be the hardest one for entrepreneurs. Do any of these sound familiar to you?

"Self-investment sounds like a nice idea. Maybe once I hit my next milestone I will get to it"

"I just don't have the time to prioritize self-care right now"

"I already take so much time away from my family, I can't really ask for more"

The problem with these thoughts is that for every day you postpone taking self-care and self-investment seriously, you diminish the time and energy available to your most important asset in your life...YOU.

I ran a 12 month experiment on this:

In the last year I made self-investing a non-negotiable in my life. I planned it every week and documented it all.
My priorities were to care for my physical well-being with workouts, yoga and regular body work.
I took care of my mind by working with the best Life Coaches in the industry and making sure I have alone time every day to think and just be.
I took care of my spirit with Solo Soul time and a morning ritual that uplifts me and helps me feel connected.

The results?
I became a multiple six figure business owner, a Master Coach and published my third book all during a global pandemic with my entire family at home and celebrating my 6-year wedding anniversary.

Without investing in myself, there is no way that would have happened and that's why its a core component of everything I teach my clients.

What Will Winning Look Like For You?

What winning looks like for you might be different, but if you aren't managing your time, your relationship and replenishing your energy regularly, you are making it much harder than you need to be. 

The good news is, Steve and I have created the step-by-step Relationship Alchemy for Entrepreneurs program here to teach you exactly how to master your time, energy and relationship so you can realize your business goals without sacrificing anything.

We hope to see you in the program.